Storing Your Boat This Winter? 3 Tips That Will Make It Go Smoothly

When the winter weather come you will need to get your boat out of your boat well before the water freezes. This brings up the problem of how you are going to store the boat until the spring. The optimal way to keep the boat to safe is to use a storage rental facility that will hold boats, but it is not as simple as putting the boat in storage and saying goodbye to it for 6 months. These tips will help the storage process go smoothly.

Fill Up Your Gas Tank

Gas may be expensive when you take your boat out of the water, but you shouldn't leave the tank empty until the spring in hopes of lower gas prices. It will be better for the boat to fill up its gas tank and add a fuel stabilizer.

A gas tank that is full will not have room for any moisture in it. This will protect the boat's gas tank and low the chance of having a problem with the engine when the goat is taken out of storage next year. You will also need to take the proper steps to winterize the boat, which is a fancy way of saying to prevent the fuel lines from freezing. This can be done by putting antifreeze in the system, even if you are using climate controlled storage.

Disconnect the Battery

You should not leave the battery connected in your boat due to the acid in it. You will need to disconnect your boats' battery and clean the battery terminals. Dirt on the battery terminals will cause corrosion, which can prevent a battery from working properly when you're finally ready to use it again.

Plan on taking the battery to your home so that it is stored in a place that is dry. It will also be good to charge the boat's battery every once in awhile since it is at your home. Recharging will prevent the battery from degrading over the winter, which keeps it healthy for when you use it again.

Clean the Boat

Cleaning may not seem essential, but it will protect your boat's finish for when it comes out of storage. You should also leave the boat cover on to prevent dirt and dust from getting into the boat.

With these tips in mind, you should have no issues when it comes time to take you boat out of storage in the spring.

About Me

Moving Successfully The First Time

I haven't always been one of those people who loves to move, but a few years ago, I didn't have a choice. I was told that I needed to move in order to take advantage of a great promotion at work, so I started packing things up to make the move. It was a little intimidating for me, but I was dedicated to making the move as simple as possible. In addition to planning effectively, I also focused on working with my utility companies to make sure everything turned off at the right time. This blog is all about moving successfully the first time around.



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